Oh the places you’ll go! Your baby is flying as an unaccompanied minor!

Don't Freak Out


Don't Freak Out 〰️

First and foremost, hold on mama! It’s going to be ok, I promise!! There are some airlines that do it better than others and definitely when you factor in the age and maturity of your little one, some airlines have advantages over others. I understand the concerns and anxieties that come with entrusting your child's safety to the airline and airport staff. Rest assured, I'm here to provide you with valuable tips and guidance to help make this process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

One of the first things I always mention to parents is it is mandatory to accompany your child to the gate and wait there until the plane is in the air and on its way. This not only provides peace of mind but also helps ensure a smooth transition for your child. Airlines offer security checkpoint companion passes, which allow parents to clear security and walk their child directly to the gate. This way, you can personally see them off and have the reassurance that they are in good hands.

Familiarizing your child with the airport procedures is also crucial. Take the time to explain the check-in process, security procedures, and how to find their gate. Some airports even offer tours or programs specifically designed to help children become familiar with the airport environment. These programs can be incredibly helpful in easing any anxieties your child may have and making them feel more confident about their journey.

Preparing your child emotionally and mentally for the journey is equally important. Start by discussing safety measures with them, such as staying with airport staff at all times and following instructions. Encourage them to ask questions if they need help or feel unsure about anything. Remind them to keep their belongings close and to be aware of their surroundings.

Comfort items can also provide a sense of security and familiarity for your child. Consider packing their favorite stuffed animal, a blanket, or a small photo album that they can keep with them during the flight. These familiar objects can provide a sense of comfort and make the journey more enjoyable for them.

Open communication is key throughout the entire process. Make sure your child knows how to reach you or a trusted adult in case of any issues or concerns. Provide them with a fully charged cell phone and a list of important phone numbers, including the airline's customer service, your contact information, and any emergency contacts. Encourage them to reach out to you if they need anything or if they simply want to share their excitement or experiences along the way.

Understanding Unaccompanied Minor Services: What Airlines Offer

As a parent or guardian, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the services and support that airlines offer for unaccompanied minors. These services are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of children traveling alone, providing peace of mind for parents and guardians. In this section, I'll walk you through what to expect when your child is flying alone and share some of my thoughts and experiences on the matter.

When my children have flown alone, I have planned for being at the airport at least 2 hours to get them checked in, to the gate and the waiting thru boarding and take off. I can wave them off, let the receiving adult know they have taken off and they are safely on their journey. This has provided me with the reassurance of having time to get snacks, a bottle of water, lunch exc and seeing them off and knowing they are in good hands.

Now, let's delve into the typical services offered by airlines for unaccompanied minors. Each airline may have slightly different programs and age restrictions, so it's essential to research and understand the specific policies of the airline you'll be flying with. Use the links below to see each airlines policies for flying as an unaccompanied minor.

Most airlines provide dedicated staff supervision for unaccompanied minors throughout their journey. This staff member is responsible for ensuring your child's safety and comfort during check-in, boarding, and throughout the flight. They will assist with the necessary paperwork, such as completing the unaccompanied minor form, which includes important information about your child's journey, adult contact information for both departure and arrival destinations as well as any special requirements they may have.

During check-in, the airline staff will provide you with detailed instructions on how the process works and what to expect. They will explain the specific boarding procedures for unaccompanied minors, which may involve pre-boarding or being escorted onto the aircraft separately from other passengers. This ensures that your child feels supported and comfortable as they embark on their journey.

Once on the plane, the staff will continue to provide assistance and support to your child. They will help them find their seat and ensure they have everything they need for the flight. Throughout the journey, the crew will check on your child regularly, making sure they are comfortable and addressing any concerns they may have.

It's important to note that there may be age restrictions for unaccompanied minors, and this can vary between airlines. Some airlines may only accept children between the ages of 5 and 12 as unaccompanied minors, while others may extend the age range to include older teenagers. Be sure to check the specific policies of the airline you'll be flying with to ensure your child meets the requirements.

American Airlines Unaccompanied Minor Rules

United Unaccompanied Minor Rules

Delta Unaccompanied Minor Rules

Southwest Unaccompanied Minor Rules


Destination: Portland!


You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your friends nose.