You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your friends nose.

This is where I lecture you about being careful about who you choose to travel with, I’ve personally had some of the best times of my life traveling with others but it’s not always the case. Sometimes you want to flick your travel buddy like a booger that’s about to embarrass you at her Aunt Sweetie Pie’s dog’s wedding. Ya, it can go real bad real fast. Put your email below with boogers in the subject and I’ll send you my travel buddy interview questions to see if the pal you’re talking about that trip to Belize with is ready for your awesome adventure or if it’s going to be nothing but compromise that leaves you feeling like your vacation was highjacked mid air.

Now, I can tell you all about how awesome it is to travel with the people you love and when it works it’s so great! I put together a slide show below for your enjoyment! Use my travel buddy interview and weed out the duds. Trust me.

There is a whole different type of traveling with others and that is the tour type traveling with a group. There are a lot of options here; groups focused on certain activities like cooking or bicycling, groups of certain ages like 55 and older, groups of certain social category like singles, women, LGBTQ+. I have a lot to learn about this particular way of traveling but I intend to know more soon! Stay tuned to see what I’m getting myself into this fall…


Oh the places you’ll go! Your baby is flying as an unaccompanied minor!


Shakespeare clearly had trip insurance on his mind!